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Military uses of outer space

Advice on Special Operations, Space, and Cyber Law Challenges
2024, Newport, United States
US Naval War College & Stockton Center for International Law

Further reading

Armed Conflicts in Outer Space: Which Law Applies?
Advice on Current Challenges and Developments in International Space Law
2024, Colorado Springs, United States
US Space Command & US Air Force Academy


Current Challenges and Developments in International Space Law
The International Law on Space Activities
2023, Xiamen, China
Xiamen Academy of International Law


2023 Timetable

Further reading

Advanced Introduction to Space Law
Tutorial on the Law of Outer Space
2020-2021, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
European Microwave Association


Europese Microgolf Week

Further reading

Woomera Manual
Advise on Legal Aspects of Conflicts in Outer Space
2020, Newport, United States
United States Naval War College


The involvement of outer space in armed conflicts - what law applies?

Further reading

Woomera Manual
Project regarding the Woomera Manual on the International Law of Military Space Operations
2019, Adelaide
University of Adelaide & Woomera Manual Partners


The Woomera Manual Project


The Woomera Manual Initiative

Further reading

Woomera Manual
Practitioners’ Forum on Cyber Issues in Space: Legal Tools
2018, Paris
European Centre for Space Law (ECSL) & European Space Agency (ESA)


Programme Practitioners’ Forum 2018


Cyber Issues in Space Law: Legal Tools

Further reading

Woomera Manual
Contribution to a Strategic Multi-layer Assessment ‘(Outer) Space: An Exploration of Definitional Issues’
2017, Boston, United States of America
NSI Inc. & US Air Force Space Command


US Department of Defense (DoD) Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) program


(Outer) Space: An Exploration of Definitional Issues
Study on support to the GSA regarding security issues
2008-2010, Leatherhead, United Kingdom
Logica CMG & European GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA)


Main documents produced

Further reading

Europe and Security Issues in Space: The Institutional Setting

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